Ontario Spring Splake Fishing

by | Jun 25, 2017 | Archives

The Splake Lake

Randy Reichert 14-Dec-2004

Ah yes, the Splake Lake, those of us who have been there know the wonder of it. Those that haven’t need to set aside other matters to make this an a number one priority. I’ve had good success on this lake during previous winter trips in January, but I’ve always wanted to fish this during first ice. Well, the opportunity came this December.

Jim Swain from Florida, yes Florida, Justin Gaedtke of Kiel, WI, Darrell, and myself set out to the Splake Lake during the second week of December. We had waited a day or two so the ice could be a bit thicker. After safely reaching the designated spot, holes were drilled, lures were baited, lines were dropped, and splake were immediately on the hooks. It was simply the greatest three hour span of ice fishing I ever experienced. During that three hour stretch there was always one line with a hooked splake. Oh yes, we lost our share, but hey, that’s splake fishing.

We (Darrell stayed behind) also went out the following day. Although not the flurry of the previous day, it was still a great day. The largest splake was caught this day, a 28″ 8.5 pounder! We also had a tripler with each splake being landed. With fishing like this even the Floridian is planning a return trip.

December ice at Pasha Lake Cabins presents the opportunity for some fantastic splake fishing! We’re already planning a trip for December 2005!