Ontario Trout Fishing

by | Jun 25, 2017 | Archives, Fishing

Darrell’s Trip to the Splake Lake

Darrell Splett 11-Dec-2002

Darrell, Darrel, and Carl went to the Splake Lake. I arrived sooner than the other guys and drilled enough holes for the group. I proceeded to have the best hour of ice fishing I’ve ever had of any kind. First I dropped my lure with no bait on it to check the depth and had a hit immediately. I battled and lost the fish and then dropped it down again and caught a 4lb splake, then put my other rod down and before it even got set hooked a 6lb that I landed. Then my other rod went again and all total in those 45 minutes I landed 7 splake with the smallest 4lbs and biggest 7lbs. The rest of the day the three of us caught 24 splake. I caught an 8 ponder with perfect brook trout coloration. We kept a few for dinner and smoked some up too. They tasted delicious.